AweLArtist *AweL TERENCE FOO Be@rbricks & Music
Thursday, May 24, 2012 A Heartfelt Post Hi! If even anyone comes to this dead place I'm glad you visited. However, an absence of almost a year and the messiness of this blog pushed me to create another blog, something more personal and can work side by side with music and performing (Profiles and About). So yes, after all these blabbering, I just wanted to say I have moved to My Tumblr blog still exists but mainly for photos with few words. Sort of the last post here. So having looked through some of the old memories of this blog (Archives), I have felt I lost a big deal of people over the years. Of course, new people come and go but something about my personality just doesn't seem to work with most people. Oh well, we'll still keep in touch in the least possible bit :) Met new music-driven people over the past few months and it has been awesome. Good people from Tino's and Ocean Butterflies. And the OB from my blog posts back in 2009 to 2010 has changed dramatically. I CANNOT recognize the current OB anymore. It's a heart-breaking situation but nonetheless, I'm probably moving from the OB I once knew. :) Anyway, truth be told, most of the music people I know are currently at Millet Music :) Do support them. I have been drilling myself on the acoustic recently and have been asked to perform by a mentor but I can't do that as I wouldn't have the time for practice. Will be the free-est after 3 more months! :D So yeah old friends, catch up real soon in real life:) Posted by BearBrickER at 1:23 AM |